I've been reading posts about the dues increase, and opinions and suggestions regarding same, and feel that many good ideas have been suggested. Anyone following those posts will see that I haven't commented in any of them. The same is probably true for many other members who are also concerned about the dues increase. Just because someone doesn't comment doesn't mean that they don't care or aren't interested!!! In my case, it just means that I don't see the need to make redundant posts that just state what someone else has already said.

Having said that....I fully support the BODs decision to DELAY the dues increase and discuss it further. Some of claimed that the original 2 votes are being "ignored" or "discarded". That is NOT the case.....the increase is simply being DELAYED so that further discussion can be undertaken. The increase, as previously voted on, may be passed after all.

I fully understand that the members who were at the meetings and voted may feel slighted by this. But....many members can NOT make the meetings, and the forum, private messages to BOD members, phone calls, etc. are a good way for them to communicate their thoughts and opinions. Kudos to the BOD for listening to them and realizing that there is a PROBLEM with the proposed increase, and being willing to consider other options before locking the increase in place.

Comments have been made about members needing to do whatever is possible to make the quarterly meetings.....and I agree, if you feel strongly about an issue, it is your responsiblity to show up and voice your opinion or excercise your right to vote.

However....simply expecting people to rearrange their life to make a meeting is not always an option for some. Personally, I used to attend every meeting every year, for at least 4 or 5 years. However, that isn't an option for me now. I fully support having the meetings in a different location each quarter, even though it makes it difficult (or impossible) for me to attend. I drive 800 to 1000 miles weekly for work, and don't have the energy (or money) to drive to Mears or some of the other locations for a meeting. I don't want to do 8 or more hours of driving in a day, and spending the night is not an option. And when you consider custody issues with my kids, it's a little more important for me to spend those weekends with them than attend a meeting. So please, don't point that "do whatever you have to do" finger at others if you don't know their situation. And as I stated before, even though it makes it impossible for ME to attend a meeting, I still support the idea of rotating the meetings around the state. Heck....last Octobers meeting was in Gaylord (where I live), and I still didn't attend because it was just a little more important for me to spend my weekend with my kids, rather than brushing them off for 2 more weeks until I got to see them again!

I'm not flaming anyone, just giving an opinion and hopefully something to think about. KUDOS to the BOD and everyone who is trying to help with this issue!!