Once again we will be partnering with SoFO to squeeze the Winter Quarterly meeting in between portions of the SnoFari Event.

Date: 1/25/13
Time: 5-6pm
Location: Quality Inn West Branch http://www.qualityinn.com/hotel-west...5/Hotel-Photos

Format: Live plus (hopefully) web access

As you may recall hearing, the Association has some new A/V equipment bought specifically for our 4WD awareness training program. We are going to get it up to WB for the meeting, and use it to present our agenda, financial reports, etc since that same set of images will also be what our remote attendees see as well.

If you are attending the SnoFari festivities, the meeting will be in between the afternoon runs and evening registration/night runs. If you are concerned about squeezing dinner into that tight schedule, Subway is available in the connected gas station plus we will see if we can get the Lumberjack to offer a selection of easy-to-eat "to go" specials for us like they did last year.