At our shop we are starting a "Drop Room" for extra pieces of steel and aluminum to sell to anyone that shows up.

My boss has given me permission to offer a discount to anyone I want, so I wanted to offer anyone that presents a GLFWDA Member card thats current gets 1/2 off final cost. And there won't me a minimum for a GLFWDA Member.

We have miscellaneous pieces from 1"-48"+ long, solid, tube, square, sheet, round etc... The stuff left over from production that we don't want to throw out, but is kinda overflowing our normal steel racks. Right now we are thinking about $2/lb for steel, any kind and around $5/lb for aluminum with a $10 minimum. GL Members cost would end up $1/lb and $2.50/lb respectively with no minimum. These are just small pieces of random stuff, if you want to make a bracket for a CB, we have something. Its all as-is, no cuts, you pay any tax if there is, cash only.

Can I offer this? No? Yes?


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