American Trails is the World's largest online resource for planning, building, managing, enhancing, funding, and supporting trails and greenways.

Help Save the Recreational Trails Program!

Dear Friend,


Help ensure the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is included in the authorization of the next multi-year surface transportation bill. We have been told that nothing should be taken for granted, and that we must demonstrate success and broad constituency during this time of great pressure on gas tax receipts. As we all know, the RTP has benefited every type of trail, every state, and virtually every community across the country. But in this stressed economic time, we fear an uphill challenge to get the additional funding so needed to grow this critical program.

We need Champions!

The Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) is looking for champions in Congress to support the Recreational Trails Program and to ensure it is included, with increased funding, in the next authorization! Please let us know if you have a leader in mind.

We can’t afford for the RTP to be thought of as a non-essential program. One of the best things you can do to bring attention to trails, and their many benefits, is to hold a National Trails Day event on June 2nd and get your Congress members out on your Recreational Trails Program-funded trails. You’ll want to make sure they get a lot of press and recognition for supporting this program!

The Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT) needs your help!

Visit the American Trails website to learn more about CRT’s efforts to bring attention to the RTP. CRT has prepared an information sheet and sign-on letter to be sent to the United States Senate and U.S. House of Representatives on April 17th and is asking allied organizations, agencies, and businesses across the country to sign on to it.

A support form can be downloaded from our website. You can either fill out the form and fax it directly to Cathy Ahern, American Recreation Coalition, or let me know, as I am keeping a running list of allied supporters to turn in to her. (If you can’t get approval to sign-on this week, please send in your form when you can, as we expect additional letters to go out in the future.) We hope your organization can join this effort. Please help spread the word through your networks.

Coalition for Recreational Trails’ Annual RTP Achievement Awards ~ Deadline is this Friday!

As a reminder, the deadline for submitting nominations for CRT’s Annual Achievement Awards is April 17th. This prestigious awards program is one way the CRT works to raise the profile of the RTP. Please consider nominating a deserving project near you. A rather painless application form can be downloaded from the RTP Awards page.

Please Sign-on Today!

As a member of the Coalition for Recreational Trails (CRT), American Trails urges organizations of every size and interest to sign on to the CRT support letter. Every state and every trail activity benefits from the Recreational Trails Program, and we need your support!

Thanks, in advance, for your swift action!
Best regards,


P.S. American Trails provides you with online information updated as the news comes in:

The SUPPORTING TRAILS page includes the economic stimulus opportunities, bills in Congress, news of federal agency and outdoor recreation budgets, and more.

The TRANSPORTATION REAUTHORIZATION page covers the next phase of Highway Trust Fund programs, which funds the Recreational Trails Program, Transportation Enhancements, and others important to trails.

We'll be watching for news from our agency and organizational partners as the reauthorization process proceeds. We'll keep you informed on that and other issues that affect trails and greenways. (Please help support these organizations that are keeping you informed and working to protect our trails funding).

As you learn more about any of these issues, please pass information on to us to share with the trails community.

Check these website pages periodically for news, and watch for future alerts from American Trails.

We apologize if you receive this message more than once…


American Trails Action Alert

To view this action alert online, visit: