Well this is what I have so far. The pics might load large. One is a geaneral map to give you a idea of the area, and the other is the area. Most of which has trails on it from when it was open to travel. And they could most likely be made passable again fairly easy..

One of the trails we ran alot when in at Bryce Road adn came out at Shoefelt Road. That area would require some kind of river crossing to be built(it crosses the Black river)

Same with a trail that runs from Kingsley Road to Wildcat Road. That trail follows a pipe line(Water Works pipe) This one has some nice hills and places to camp. Other than crossing Black River there is nothing along this route that I recall that is really a issues other than the Black river crossing. I'll try to draw out the trails I remember and up load a pic. Would print them but no color for my printer right now...