For those of you that have shown interest in the Oakland County ORV park, now's the time. Many people have said "let me know how I can help". Well, we did that last month for the Oakland County Board of Commissioner's meeting and we had a whopping 25 people show up. LAME (and many thanks to those of you that did) But for those that didn't, we need your help.

On Wednesday December 6, 2017 @ 1:00 pm, there is a Parks Commission meeting. At this meeting, they will be discussing and hopefully voting to move forward with discussions with the MDNR. Realize what this means....... at this time, they have not even decided if they want to participate in an ORV park. They have had lots of discussions and meetings but have NEVER officially gotten on board.

So, this is one of the meetings we need to FLOOD with people and we need YOU!

Now for those of you that will say that you work during the day, I ask you how important is this ORV park to YOU?

Have you ever taken a half day off to leave early to head north for the weekend?
Have you ever taken a half day off to get out on the lake?
Have you ever taken a half day off to go golfing?
Have you ever taken a half day off to do some chores at home?
Have you ever taken a half day off to get out on the slopes?
The list is endless but the point is, if YOU WANT IT, and IT'S IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO YOU, YOU HAVE MADE THE TIME.

So, I'm calling you guys out, do you want this or not and are you really willing to go the extra mile? PLEASE make the effort to show up and ask your wheeling friends to make the effort. My goal is to have so many people show up that the parking lot is packed and there are people standing outside in the lobby.


Now that you have made the commitment to attend, please plan to speak during the public comment. This happens at the beginning of the meeting. You don't have to say anything other than "I support the ORV park" or "I agree with him" or whatever. What is important is this; STATE YOUR NAME AND WHERE YOU ARE FROM