Hi Great Lakers!!

Not a lot to report, but here are a couple items from our meeting last night (a lot of the items were covered at the Quartery Membership Meeting!):
- Membership & financials are strong
- Trail Maintenance is current
- The GLFWDA Store is fully stocked! We're in the process getting pics & prices on the website 'store' page.
- The board will be working on updating the Association SOPs and event sanctioning guidelines

The biggest issue facing the organization is help from the membership from time to time!! This was discussed at length at the quarterly membership meeting and again last night. It seems the biggest issue is getting the information to the membership when we need help and what we need help with! The board is working on a couple of suggestions from the quarterly membership meeting, so stay tuned. However, if any of the members have any ideas, PLEASE feel free to send them to me at 'president@glfwda.org'!

And on that same theme, we are at the JCR open house this weekend, and we always need help staffing the GLFWDA booth/tent.

And another opportunity to help will be in the fall at the Jeep Creep where we will again need help staffing the GLFWDA booth/tent!

And that's all for now gang! Have a great weekend!!

Mike Olmstead