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    GLFWDA Member GLFWDA Member Greenway's Avatar
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    Default 9/11

    Today, we remember 9/11. A day that forever changed our country.

    Here I would like you to consider the consequenses of 9/11.

    It is far from comprehensive, only a few thoughts that have been rattling around in my head. I do not claim to have all the facts or any insight to who thought what and why. These are my opinions only. Disagree all you want, I just want you to think about it.

    This post is all about control of the masses. There are many way ways to control people. The main avenues are force, trickery and guilt. Armies and police states use force. Politicians and lawyers use trickery through convoluted language. And religions use guilt and promises of rewards in the afterlife.

    Also involved in the trickery is the mass media. The way a story is told, even if the facts are correct, can influence how you view that story. Two different stories give two different meanings to the same event. Most of the news we hear in the mainstream media is so biased it is nearly useless. Very few people know the actual causes for the attacks that occured on 9/11, but many people do have an opinion on it. There is no doubt in my mind, much of that opinion was a result of trickery. Some are based on official stories from the government or the opinions of trusted friends. Unfortunately many people's opinion just parrots some loudmouth talking head on a TV 'news' show.

    I always try to read between the lines. I strive to see history in a way that makes sense to me. Things dont always make sense, but usually they do.

    Anyway, heres my take on 9/11.

    Someone or some group with great influence decided that the US needed to be spanked. I don't know if it was the result of religious competition, business competition, perceived injustice for real or imagined acts, or merely a power grab. This leader found a willing and easily influenced group of religious fanatics over in the middle east. He used the group's religious leaders to convince them that the US was the Great Satan. (Funny how every group demonizes their enemy) So, they hatched a plan to deliver an asymmetrical attack on the US. They hoped to disrupt our lives by attacking the symbols of American power. The White House, The Twin Towers in New York, and The Pentagon.

    It was a pretty good plan for a handful of people to deliver a great blow to so many more. A good ratio, so to speak.

    So, the attacks were successful. 3 of the 4 planes hit their targets. They orchestrated a successful attack on the mainland US. The leader saw every thing that he had caused, and behold, it was very good.

    The US, knowing it had to hit back hard, poked around to find the source of the attack. They eventually identified and blamed groups called The Taliban and al Qaeda . They were located in the middle east and were very influential in Afganistan and Pakistan. When asked to help eradicate the Taliban in their country, the Afgans refused. So we laid waste to their country for supporting the groups that opposed us.

    Pakistan was wiser in their response and agreed to help eliminate the Taliban and al Qaeda in their country. I don't know if they actually helped or not. If they did, they seemed pretty ineffective. Anyway, they had nukes and we really did not to go to war with Pakistan, so, Pakistan's cooperation was the official story.

    Not being one to pass up a good crisis, the US decided to take care of another problem in the region, Saddam Hussein. My guess is that he wasn't playing ball correctly on the oil market and they wanted to make an example of him. So, they implied he was a terrorist out to get the US and had more weapons of mass destruction to use on us and our allies (Israel). I wondered if the US supplied those weapons when Iraq was fighting Iran. If all went well, we could end up with his oil too. You know - spoils of war. Running scared at the time, the American people bought it. Besides, it would be nice to have all that oil. We then laid waste to Iraq.

    Strangely, the Vice President's former company, Halliburton, got stinking rich rebuilding Iraq in automatic no-bid contracts.

    More than a decade later, we are still have military in both countries. We have lost many thousands of American lives . Men and women that joined the military to protect this country. We must add these to the people that lost their lives in the initial attack on 9/11 and because of the subsequent rescue and cleanup operations. Nor can we forget the innocent civilians of Iraq and Afganistan who have died or had their lives ruined by the wars.

    Our government has used the crisis and the subsequent panic to curtail many of our civil liberties and to spy on our own citizens in the name of protecting us. The financial cost of the ongoing wars and spying is pushing the American economy towards bankruptcy. Unless our political leaders do something drastic soon to greatly reduce spending and pay off debts without just printing the money to do it, our country will be bankrupt.

    The Taliban and al Qaeda will have won. A handful of people will have controlled millions.
    Last edited by Greenway; September 11th, 2013 at 01:38 PM.


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