Hello fellow trail enthusiast,

It has been brought to my attention that some have not seen this survey that is designed to get your ideas and identify opportunities for innovation or improvement in our Trails program.

Your involvement and knowledge is critical to develop and achieve objectives with the goal of making Michigan the Trail State.

Please take this opportunity to share your input, ideas and suggestions by completing this survey if you have not already done so. I realize that we are beyond the deadline so if the survey is not accepted after submittal then you can send, fax or email me a copy and I will see that the survey gets to the State Trails Network Planning Team.

The survey can be found at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5PJQP5W. Thank you for your cooperation and hopefully I will see you in a couple weeks.

Sincerely, Rob

Rob Katona, Trails Analyst
Forest Resource Division-DNR
Marquette OSC
1990 US 41 South
Marquette, MI 49855
906-228-6561 katonar@michigan.gov
Fax: 906-228-5245