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    Welcome to the Great Lakes Four Wheel Drive Association!

    Mission Statement:
    The Great Lakes Four Wheel Drive Association (GLFWDA) is the voice of full-size 4-wheel drive vehicle owners working with local and state government to keep trails open, maintained, and available for their enjoyment.

    Association Description:
    GLFWDA is a non-profit Association for full-size four-wheel drive vehicle owners and the land we use them on.

    GLFWDA works to keep our trails open so that we may continue to have access to our land and enjoy our outdoor activities for generations to come. As such, we are active in land use issues, working regularly with state officials, local governments, and private landowners. We enjoy an excellent reputation with land use managers at all levels as responsible users who are concerned about motorized access and recreation.

    GLFWDA sponsors annual trail maintenance activities for 180 miles of Michigan DNR ORV Routes through our member clubs in many parts of the region. From time to time the association fields crews of volunteers with all the necessary skills, equipment, and training to handle diverse projects including clean up, fencing, signage, trail maintenance, and trail development.

    GLFWDA hosts trail rides for association members and guests four times per year in conjunction with our quarterly membership meetings, and from time to time hosts other trail rides as opportunity presents.



    Join the Great Lakes Four Wheel Drive Association today and become part of the solution. Not only do you become a part of the most active regional organization to help protect our land and our sport, but you will also receive many other benefits.

    Join Now!

    Get Involved!

    Visit our Forums to see what's happening in the organization!

    Please Welcome Our Newest Associate Members
    SK Autocorrect

    Other Associate Members:

    Bar H Transport Enterprises

    Bundy Hill Off Road Park

    Turtle Ridge ORV ParkDrummond Island Resort

    Energy Products/Battery Giant

    Ironman Offroad

    JCR Offroad

    Jeeperz Creeperz, Inc.

    Mikes Automotive Supply

    Nerfherder Creations

    Ramada Inn of Grayling

    Riverwalk Place

    St. Ignace Visitors Bureau


    Please see the Associate Member page for more members and their contact information.
