View Full Version : 01/21/16 EBOD Meeting Update

January 22nd, 2016, 12:33 AM
Hi Great Lakers!!

Hope your 2016 is off to a great start! At least we're not on the East Coast this weekend where they're looking at 2'+ of snow!!! Nice to see them getting the snow instead of us!!

Just a quick update on the GLFWDA monthly Exec Board of Directors meeting tonight.

Most pressing item is the Winter Quarterly Membership Meeting next weekend in West Branch in conjunction with the Sno-Fari winter trail ride. The meeting will be at the West Branch Quality Inn on Friday (1/29) at 5:00 PM. We're looking for a great turnout - the Board members will all be there, so come on up, see what's going on, and don't be afraid to throw you own 2ยข in!!!

The Membership Secretary & Treasurer filed favorable reports tonight.

Trail Maintenance funds will be disbursed in the next week or so to member clubs in 'good standing' (i.e., current with membership committments). Thank you for your volunteering!!

On the 'Events' section of the GLFWDA forums there's a pinned thread re: the Inaugural "Jeep The Mac" event at the end of April 2016. The event is already getting a lot of buzz, so check it out and if your weekend is open, come on up!! It's looking like it's going to be a great event! GLFWDA is going to have a tent at the event, and we can always use volunteers to 'man' the booth, too! Don't be afraid to jump in and help.

The GLFWDA store has been re-stocked! SOOOO... if you need to replace worn and tattered GLFWDA logo'd T's, sweats, and hats, check out the website & order up!!

And finally, the Exec Board is working on some administrative items: some insurance details; official address, harassment, and discrimination policies; and where we're going to participate in various 2016 events.

And that's it for now! Have a great January, hope to see you at the Winter Quarterly Meeting!

Mike Olmstead